ANNUAL MEETING (2020 rescheduled to early 2021)
Theme: Water is Land is Water: Connecting water and land-use planning
The annual meeting of the Nechako Watershed Roundtable took place February 24, 2021 (having been rescheduled from October, 2020 due to the provincial election).
The objectives of the meeting were to:
- Provide an update on activities of the Nechako Watershed Roundtable
- Provide an opportunity to hear about the Resource Management Planning initiative underway in the Watershed
- Host a parallel youth break-out session to engage youth in the NWR
- Launch the strategic planning process and gather initial input from the Roundtable
To learn more, check out the:
This year's meeting took place in coordination with the Koh-Learning Khit/Khui (Winter) Festival, a week of learning, sharing and exchange among the Nechako watershed communities and Koh-learning students and teachers. To learn more, see a list of festival events and visit the Koh-Learning website.